tar -cvjf sfe-Z00L- ./
Operating Blind on an Existing Device
Long story short, you will have to assume that you cannot:
• See any framebuffer console
• See any error messages of any kind during bootup
• Get any information relayed from your startup process
• Set any kind of modified kernel command lines
Hence, we have to learn how to operate blind on a device. The good news is that when you have a working kernel, you can combine it with a init ramdisk and that Android’s USB gadget is built in to most kernel configurations. It is possible then for the ramdisk to set up working USB networking on most devices and then open up a telnet daemon.
The hybris-boot repository contains such an initrd with convenient USB networking, DHCP and telnet server, plus the ability to boot into a Sailfish OS system.
The init system in the hybris-boot initrd will attempt to write information via the USB device serial number and model.
So dmesg on the host could produce:
[1094634.238136] usb 2-2: Manufacturer: Mer Boat Loader
[1094634.238143] usb 2-2: SerialNumber: Mer Debug setting up (DONE_SWITCH=no)
However dmesg doesn’t report all changes in the USB subsystem and the init script will attempt to update the iSerial field with information so also do:
lsusb -v | grep iSerial
iSerial 3 Mer Debug telnet on port 23 on rndis0 - also running udhcpd
However, if it says something like:
[1094634.238143] usb 2-2: SerialNumber: Mer Debug setting up (DONE_SWITCH=yes)
connectivity will be available via telnet 2323 port.
droid-hal-$DEVICE Contains RPM packaging and conversion scripts for converting the results of the Android HAL build process to RPM packages and systemd configuration files.
hybris-boot Script run during Android HAL build that will combine the kernel and a custom initrd to hybris-boot.img and hybris-recovery.img. Those are used to boot a device into Sailfish OS and for development purposes.
hybris-installer Combines the hybris-boot output and the root filesystem into a .zip file that can be flashed via Android Recovery.
libhybris Library to allow access to Bionic-based libraries from a glibc-based host system (e.g. hw-composer, EGL, GLESv2, ..).
qt5-qpa-hwcomposer-plugin Qt 5 Platform Abstraction Plugin that allows fullscreen rendering to the Droid-based hardware abstraction. It utilizes libhybris and the Android hwcomposer module.
mer-kernel-check A script that checks if the kernel configuration is suitable for Sailfish OS.
Some features must be enabled, as they are needed on Sailfish OS (e.g. to sup-port systemd), other features must be disabled, as they conflict with Sailfish OS (e.g. CONFIG_ANDROID_PARANOID_NETWORK) at the moment.
link_without_label http://neochapay.ru/blogs/zapiski-utkonosa-programmista/sailfish-os-vklyuchit-set-na-nezagruzhay.html
Есть устройство и оно грузится...как то...но не подобраться к нему. Задача подключить DevMode и соотвествено сеть через USB
Через recovery или как то другим способом создаём файл в корне sailfish:
То есть если через рековери то будет /data/.stowaways/sailfishos/var/lib/environment/usb-moded/alwaysdevmode.conf
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